15 Important English Application writing format for job, office, personal, school

15 Important English Application writing Format for job, office, personal, school etc

Application writing format

Application are very important aspects in our life time to time. In every official work we need to write Application to respective party. Sometimes we forget or confuse how to write a decent and fair application. So, here I am writing some model application on different subject. I think definitly it will help you to write a good Application.

1. Application writing format for grant leave, application absent, application for absence, application after leave, Application for leave of absence from office
The Manager

Subject: Application for leave
I beg most respectfully to state that I have been laid since last week. My attending physician has diagnosed it to be a case of malaria, and advised me for rest of one week.
So, therefore, I pray to you please grant me 2 weeks of sick leave from (date). With this application I do give a medical certificate also for your records.
Thanking you, sir.

Yours faithfully
(your name)

‌Application writing format, application for leave, application leave, application of leave, application format

2. Application writing format Complaint/Application for an excess Electric bill in English

The Revenue Officer,
(Dept. name)
(Branch name if any)

Subject : Complaint for an excess bill
Meter No. ————————-
Consumer No. ———————–

Dear Sir,
1 regret observing that the electric bill for the last month which I received yesterday seems too high in relation to the other bills of the previous months. The amount charged in this bill is too more than what actually pay every month, while the consumption is usual.
However, I am paying off the bill, although it is really difficult for me to pay such a heavy amount. I would, therefore, request you to be so good as to kindly make an inquiry into the matter and to adjust the excess amount in the next bill, if found excess due to some official discrepancy.
I hope you will sympathetically deal with my case and do the needful.
Thank YOU.

Yours faithfully
Dated :

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‌3. Application writing format for Issue a new Pass Book in English

The Agent/Manager

Subject- Applying for new Passbook

Dear Sir,
I have a Savings (Bank) Account in/with your Bank the number of which is________  .Unfortunately my Pass Book was lost a few days back when I was out of station. Hence, I request you to issue a new Pass Book in my name. Please also let me know if I have to perform any formality for this.
Your immediate action will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Speciman Signature

Yours faithfully,
(Your name)

application in english, application bank manager, application for absence, application for transfer certificate, application bank account transfer, application writing for job, application manager, Application writing format 

‌4. Application writing format letter/application to change specimen signature in english

The Manager,

Subject:- Speciman signature change
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I have opend a current account in your bank ten years ago and I have the sole authority to operate the account. Everything was alright so far but yesterday I was surprised to notice that my present specimen signature was copying by some miscreant people in my office documents which is similar to my bank signature.
So, I would like to change it at the earliest. Otherwise, you know, it may occured financial loss.. Therefore, I earnestly request you to send me the form on which my present specimen signature may be recorded a new.
Hope you will do the needful in no time.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Sender’s name.

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5. Letter/ Application requesting transfer of S/B Account in English. (Application writing format)

The Manager,
Bank address…

Sub :- Transfer of S/B Account No_______________

Dear Sir,
I have a savings account with your bank. As I have transferred to (place name), I request you to transfer the aforesaid account to your (new place name) Branch and I am sending herewith the passbook and the cheque book for your necessary action.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(your name)

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6. Resignation Letter/ Application given to an employer in english. (Application writing format)

The Manager
(company name)

Sub:- Resignation from my service

Dear Sir,
For certain unavoidable circumstances of my family, it has become pertinent to me to discontinue with my present service. I therefore request that I may kindly be relieved from my present duties as early as possible, in any case not later than present month..
My accounts in full may please be settled before that date.
Thanking you,

Yours fairinfully

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7. Application/ Letter requesting Transfer from one department to another in English. (Application writing format)
The General Manager.
Personal Dept.

Sub:- Transfer to …………………. branch

Respected Sir,
Beg to state you that I, as a staff member (PF No…..) of (office name), am now posted at (place name) as a Junior Assistant. Recently, I am married to Mr. AZ, who is an officer in (Dept name) and is posted there. Now he is willing to transfer our residence to (place name). If you kindly make necessary arrangement for my transfer posting to nearby our branch office, then it will be easy for me to attend my office regularly, otherwise I shall be bound retire from my service.
Hope, you will take up the matter seriously and kindly do the needful.

Thanking you,
Dtd:-with office seal
Yours faithfully

8.Application to Grant for Leave of absence in Sehool, application for leave, application format, application writing, application absent, application for absence, application after leave, Application for leave of absence from office

The Headmaster/Headmistress

Subject:- Grant for Leave of absence in Sehool

Dear Sir/Madam.
I beg to inform you that My Son Daughter, Sri/Kumari …………………. of class……… Sec….of your Institution could not attend his/her classes yesterday dated……….. due to high fever.
Só I request you to grant leave of absence for one day only.
Thanking you.

Your faithfully

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9.Application for school leaving certificate
The Headmaster/l Headmistress

Subject:- Application for school leaving certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,
As I have been transferred to (new place name) office, I propose to take my family along with me. My Son/Daughter is a student of class………..Section……… in your school.
I hope you will appreciate my difficulty caused by this unavoidable circumstances and kindly give his/her school leaving Certificate and a Character Certiticate,
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

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1‌0. Application for asking leave of absence tomorrow
The Headmaster/Headmistress,
(school name)

Subject:- Asking leave for tomorrow

Dear Madam,
I beg most respectfully to state that my daughter class…… sec……. is a student of your institution. Due to some urgent work at home, she will not be able to attend school tomorrow, the (date).
I would, therefore, request you to kindly excuse her absence from school on that day.
Thanking you.

Yours faithfully.

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11. Application for Character Certificate.
The Headmaster/Headmisterss

Subject:- Character certificate

Respected Sir/Madam,
I beg to state that I was a student of your school. I passed my HS in first division securing 70% marks in average. I participated in extra-curricular activities regularly. Now I am a student of B.Sc. in (college name). As Ihave applied for a part time job, a character certificate of mine is needed.
Hope you will kindly issue me the same at the earliest.
Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully

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1‌2. Application to rural developing council for repairing of Village roads:
The President
………….. gram panchayat

Subject:- Urgent repairing of village roads

This is to bring to your kind notice that roads in our locality are in a deplorable state. This locality a neglected area. The roads here have not been repaired for a long time. We have repeatedly drawn your attention to the condition of the roads of our locality. The damage caused to it year year by the rains and erosion during the rainy season is never repaired. There are breaches and holes throughout all the roads passing through. Rain water accumulates in the holes and breaches here and after there causing hardship to the passers by. Travelling on foot has become dangerous because of the waterlogging almost all over the area. The misery of the people is beyond description.
We sincerely hope that you should repair our road to remove the grievance before the matter takes a grave turn.
Thanking you.

Yours sincerely

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‌13. An application/ FIR to the Officer-in-Charge complaining against a theft case :

The Officer-in-charge
Police Station

Subject:- FIR

Dear Sir,
The increase in crime in recent months, specially the large number of theft cases cannot but be a matter of concern to all bus passengers. I am a book-seller and I come to purchase books. Today like other days I was coming by a public bus. The bus was overcrowded and I was surrounded by a couple of youngmen. A few passengers of the bus raised a shouting. I found my money stolen before I understood the situation.
Now I earnestly request you to take up immediate enquiry. Timely action may help recovery of money. As I guess, all the culprits are local.
Thanking you.

Yours sincerely
Address :
contact no.

application for leave, application leave, application of leave, application format, application for job, application job, application job format, application how to write, application writing, application for tc, application letter, application job letter, application form, application in school, application letter format, application status, application download, application in english, application bank manager, application for absence, application for transfer certificate, application bank account transfer, application writing for job, application manager, Application writing format 

14. Application for a Birth Certificate, 
The Birth Registar,
Subject:- Application for birth certificate

Dear Sir,

With due respect I beg to state that my son/daughter Mr/Mrs………..  was born … years ago in this city and accordingly his birth was registered at that time in your office. As I shall have to get him admited into a school, his birth certificate invariable necessary for the purpose.
Therefore I request you to be so good as to kindly issue a birth certificate in favour of my son and oblige.
I hope that considering the urgency of my need, you will do the needful in time.

Yours faithfully
Applicant’s Address

15. An application for the post of Junior Assistant. Application English, application for job, application letter, application form, application for leave, application format, BIO DATA format, Simple biodata format.

English application with biodata

The Managing Director
(company name)

Subject: Applying for ______ post

Dear Sir,
   I learn to know from an advertisement published in the local newspaper named…………. dated ……… that you require the service of a Junior Assistant and according to that I wish to offer myself for the said post. Therefore, I send this application to you for your kind consideration. Regarding my educational qualifications and other qualifications I have enclosed my BIO DATA along this application.
    I am a youth of 25 years with good and sound health. I am ready to work with full responsibility. Though I have no previous experience, still am sure that I shall be able to perform my duties efficiently with utmost sincerity if selected.
  Thanking you in anticipation and hoping of a honourable reply from your kind hands. I remain.

                                                                                              Yours faithfully

Simple Bio data format
                                           BIO DATA 
Name:……………………………………………………………………………………..                   PHOTO
Father’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………
Date of birth:……………………………………….
Martial Status:……………………………………..
Qualification: …………………………………………………………………………….
Present Address:………………………………………………………………………….
Permanent Address:……………………………………………………………………..
Contact No:…………………………………………………………..
Email ID:………………………………………………………………
I hereby declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place:………………………                                                             signature of candidate

Thank you.

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